Monday 6 September 2021

The ten commandments


From PxHere

I am reading Mike Reeves' "Rejoice & Tremble" - this morning, I read: " for God enables love for neighbour (1 John 4:7).  The first table of the law (concerning worship) is the foundation for the second (concerning love for neighbour), and only in that order can the law be fulfilled" (1st ed. p127).

I wanted to check this out for myself, and found myself analysing the ten commandments, breaking them down, simplifying them, and making them personal, but then making internal connections and building them up, prefixing them with a truth about Jesus that related to each point and suffixing them with a prayer asking for His fulfilment of them in me.

Jesus is my Lord and Saviour - there are no Gods before Him.  I will not make any.  When I discover those already in my heart, I will not bow to or serve them, but make them bow to and serve Him.  Jesus, I have no power over my gods, or even my own thoughts, so please protect me and lead and empower me to bring all things under you.

Jesus knows what I need and provides for me; He has also prepared great riches for me in heaven.  Therefore, I will not take up His name for a vain thing - I will not seek Him in order to gain treasures on earth.  And I will not desire anyone else's wife or property.  Jesus, I have no power over my own lusts, desires, or drive to consume, so please protect me from these and let me know the perfect satisfaction and great delight in all you give me.

Jesus has completed His work of saving me, without my help!  I will sanctify the Sabbath-day to Him, doing no work, but resting with those I love, those who love me, those I serve, those who serve me, and those I live amongst.  Jesus, I have no power over my pride or my drive to make a name for myself, so please protect me, humble me, give me the fear of the Lord, and help me rejoice in all your work, and the rest you have given me.

Jesus has given me life and love through my family.  I will honour my parents.  Jesus, I have no power over my self-discipline, my ability to honour anyone other than myself, or my ability to overcome the familiarity of my parents in order to honour them, so please help me to honour, love, and serve them.

Jesus has made us in His image, and does not stop working to perfect that image in us.  I will not foster anger for anyone, or speak falsely against them.  Jesus, I have no power over my path to being made more like you, or even my own willingness to be made more like you, so please overcome me - all day and every day - with your love, with a desire to be more like you, and with the patience to wait for you to complete your work in me.  Jesus, I also have no power over my thoughts, feelings, and judgements about others, so please humble me and fill me with your overwhelming love for them, to drown out any ill-will against anyone.